These are Owners Manuals, not Service Manuals
All Manuals are download only - no shipping involved - you will not be sent a hard copy - there are no refunds for downloaded material - manuals are as received - some may have been redacted to reduce file size for downloading If you are not sure about what to download - ask first - 800 Manuals may apply to Archer & Brother Bicor VX1005 Series
Due to some file sizes, perhaps as large as 90megs, it is suggested that you download to your PC, unless your portable device has ample storage space.
Terry's TNT Repair Time - Located in American Samoa
Covid-19 Shipping Table
If your order is placed will ship on:
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Ships Current Thursday |
Ships Current Thursday |
Ships Current Thursday |
Ships Current Thursday |
Usually Ships Following Monday |
Usually Ships Following Monday |
Usually Ships Following Monday |
Update: 01/01/23
Flights to our Island have finally return to normal, which is twice weekly
All shipping will continue once a week for now and orders will go to the Post
Office before, or on, Thursday's
- link to the left in the menu :)